All of our services are available completely FREE and for all Blount Countians, regardless of income level. As a 501(c)(3) organization, we exist to assist those in need. For needs that we are unable to meet, we offer an "Additional Resouces" sheet with a list of other organizations to receive assistance.

Budget Assistance
We work with residents to create a manageable budget based on each individual/family. For this service, we need all of your income and expenses so we know exactly how to assist you. Appointments are recommended but not required. Please reach out to info@bridgingthegapinblountcounty.org to schedule your appointment.

Budget Education
We provide budget education to local students (public, private, and homeschool) to instill the importance of budgeting. Please check our Facebook group for future public dates for your student to attend.

Food Pantry
We believe that no one should go hungry. We have an on-site food pantry where residents can select items based on their preference and household size. Residents can come as often as biweekly for this service. We simply require id and to fill out a brief questionnaire.
What to bring to receive assistance:
1. Proof of Blount County residency (if your id has a Blount County address, that is all that we'll need. Otherwise, we will need your id and a utility bill in your name with a Blount County address)
2. For budget assistance, we will also need a list of all of your income and expenses so that we can work with you to create a customized, manageable budget. You can send an email requesting our Budget template to info@bridgingthegapinblountcounty.org

Gold Sponsors
Make a donation
We greatly appreciate any and all donations! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we rely on donations to support our mission and donations are tax deductible.
One time
Comment (optional)
Get in Touch
28252 State Hwy 75
Suite 100
Oneonta, AL 35121
(We're behind the State Farm-Kim Lee building and in the same building as The Root Health and Wellness and New Beginnings Salon)